My Most Popular Author Website Resources of 2024

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Once again, I’m sharing the resources and content about author websites that has been most popular with my audience this year.

In terms of growing my business, blogging is my favorite (and now most effective) activity. I don’t quite manage to publish an article every week, but I come close. My email list, on the other hand, is a puzzle to me — almost 1000 subscribers, but the majority of my clients, when they hire me, are not signed up. And Instagram, as you’ll see below, is increasingly something that I do for pleasure, or to share and support the work of others.

So, that said, what generated the most attention during the year?

Most popular blog article - published during 2024

Clearly, the Substack train is still going strong for authors and writers! What also stood out to me about this post is how far down my list of popular pages it is. Many older blog posts rank above it, underlining (for me) the long term value that helpful, evergreen articles can have. I have mixed feelings about blogging for novelists, but for those of us writing nonfiction or using blogging to bring in business leads, our best writing often has a pleasingly long shelf life.

Most popular blog article - published any time

Compared to the blog post above, this one from 2022 got over ten times as many views during the past year:

I’m still not sure why this one is putting all my other content in the shade. There’s certainly a massive appetite for information about Substack, and because the tool has a few limitations, there is an eager audience for workarounds and tips. In this case, I also made a video version, and I suspect that’s helping this post to rank.

Most popular guest appearance

Talking of video … I’m not doing masses of speaking or podcast interviews these days. Frankly, business is busy and SEO is performing so well for me, I don’t really need to. But of course I still show up, when wonderful people in the writing and publishing business invite me.

This one was only recorded a week or so ago, but it’s already way ahead of any other interviews I’ve done:

Most popular on Instagram

I’m cheerfully resigned to getting a lot more reaction for personal content that I post on Instagram, compared to anything business related. And that’s okay. I’m no longer using Instagram to try to find new clients, and instead enjoy connecting with peers, friends, and other bibliophiles. Nonetheless, at least a business topic made it into the top three:

  1. Books make us brilliant, celebrating my new business name and branding

  2. Photos from the Ecuador & Galapagos trip I took with my hubby

  3. A gorgeous sunrise on a morning walk

Newsletters with the highest open rates

I have an email list of around 1,000 subscribers. I “clean” it regularly, not only to help with deliverability, but also because I hate being clutter in someone’s inbox. I’ve tried different sending patterns, especially the short message with a single call-to-action format, and I just can’t stick with it. I’m currently happy with my once a month frequency and “digest” format.

Here are the subject lines that resulted in the highest open rates this year:

  1. Ten links for ten minutes : suggesting speed and efficiency are as welcome in your inbox as they are in mine! This one included new client websites that I’d launched, and links to helpful author website articles.

  2. Market research request: it’s good to talk! I had some wonderful conversations in the spring, thank you.

  3. When is it time for a new website? : featuring excellent advice from my client aka the Decision Coach, Nell Wulfhart.

Most popular free resource

This title is not entirely fair, because I think it’s the only free resource I created during 2024. I wrote it to appeal directly to authors who are thinking about working with a website designer. If that’s you and you don’t have a copy yet, just follow the link to get the guide:

When you sign up for this insider guide, you’ll also get free access to my other workbooks, templates, and a video training. These will help you plan or create your author website, and power up your marketing as an author, coach, consultant, and podcast guest.

Are you ready to sell more books?

I love sharing website resources and inspiration, but if you want to get your author website done, it’s time to take action. This is especially relevant if you have a book coming in 2025! Currently, depending on the scope of your project, I’m booked around two or three months ahead.

A website created by me will delight your readers and set you up for business results. Let’s design, build, and launch an online home that’s highly personalized for your needs. Learn more, and then schedule a complimentary chat with me.


Pauline Wiles

After writing and publishing 6 of my own books, I became a full-time website designer for other authors. I create modern, professional websites to help you grow your audience and make more impact with your work. British born, I’m now happily settled in California.


Which social media links should you add to your author website?